Upcoming events

  • Mens Group in San Mateo, CA

    Friday 12/1/23

    Co-Facilitated by Elden Vala & Mike Barrios

    This is a communal space to explore the embodiment & energetics of our future vision(s) & experience of idealism.

    This is not a "teaching" space nor a workshop.

    There will be a facilitated opening & closing along with a structure to guide our exploration. This group will be co-facilitated by Michael Barrios who will be leading breath-work to support us in dropping in together.

    Our 90 minute group exploration will begin at 7pm Friday November 3rd. Please arrive at Mystic Flora by 6:55pm to settle into the space.

    For more information on the venue please check out: https://linktr.ee/mysticfloraapothecary.